University of Wyoming College of Law
The information on this page was provided by the law school.
Official Guide to ABA-Approved JD Programs
The University of Wyoming College of Law offers a high quality legal education at one of the lowest tuition rates in the country. Located in Laramie, Wyoming and in the Rocky Mountains - the University of Wyoming College of Law is known for its top JD programming, intimate family-like atmosphere, innovative skills training, affordability, and overall student satisfaction. GO POKES!
By selecting the University of Wyoming, you can obtain an unsurpassed return on your educational investment and take adantage of:
- A low student-faculty ratio resulting in small classes, personalized instruction, easy access to faculty, and a wealth of hands-on practical training opportunities.
- Access to extensive “real world” training opportunities including clinics, practicums, externships, an intensive trial advocacy institute, local and trans-national negotiation exercises, and others. These experiences allow our students to hit the ground running upon entering practice.
- Extensive course offerings from renowned experts in energy, natural resources, environment, business, legal writing, family law, criminal law, international law, and other areas.
- Personalized career guidance and close interaction with attorneys, judges, and policymakers in the region and across the globe, to maximize employment opportunities upon graduation.
- Joint degree programs in natural resources (JD/MA Environment & Natural Resources), business (JD/MBA), and public administration (JD/MPA).
- EENR Certificate: students can earn a certificate in Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources
- 3+3 Accelerated Degree Program for UW undergraduate students majoring in energy resource management and development.

The JD Program
The University of Wyoming College of Law, founded in 1920, is ABA accredited and a member of the AALS. An excellent faculty comprises 25 full-time distinguished professors as well as more than 15 part-time adjunct professors, with highly qualified lecturers to instruct a student body of approximately 225. The limited size of the student body and the favorable student-to-faculty ratio (approximately 9 to 1), create an atmosphere of friendliness and informality. Students enjoy a degree of access to faculty rarely found at larger institutions. UW Law provides a high-quality, affordable legal education. It is consistently considered to be one of the best value schools in the nation. The College of Law is located in Laramie on the campus of the University of Wyoming, the only four-year institution of higher learning in Wyoming. The university has a student body of approximately 13,000. Laramie is a town of 32,000 located in southeastern Wyoming at an altitude of 7,200 feet on the high plains between two mountain ranges. UW Law’s proximity to the mountains provides a variety of recreational activities, including skiing, backpacking, rock climbing, hiking, mountain biking, camping, fishing, and hunting. Laramie is just two hours north of Denver, Colorado, and 45 minutes from Cheyenne—Wyoming’s state capital.
The faculty has a proven record of excellence in teaching, research, and scholarship. Particular areas of strength include environmental and natural resource law, litigation, international law (private and public), business law, rural law, and transactional law. Faculty members are actively engaged in public service and international outreach. Because of our small student body, the University of Wyoming College of Law faculty provides students with instructional and research opportunities that are often not available in larger institutions. Students regularly converse with their professors both inside and outside the classroom, establishing lifelong professional connections.
The 1L year consists of foundational subjects, including Contracts, Property, Torts, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Legal Research and Writing, and Criminal Law. During the 2L year, students take two required courses (Evidence and Professional Responsibility) and electives of their choice. The 3L year is comprised entirely of elective and seminar courses tailored toward an area of law, including business, civil litigation, criminal, energy, environment and natural resources, general practice, government, international human rights, international business, public interest, real estate, intellectual property, and social justice.
Practical legal training is available through the following opportunities:
- Clinical Programs
- Civil Legal Services: Students provide legal assistance to economically disadvantaged persons.
- Defender Aid: Students brief and argue criminal appeals for indigent persons, and assist penitentiary inmates in post-conviction cases.
- Family and Child Legal Advocacy: Students address legal issues of domestic violence victims.
- Prosecution Assistance: Students work with prosecuting attorneys in criminal cases.
- International Human Rights: Students work on global human rights issues, including immigration, asylum, and other international advocacy cases.
- Energy, Environment, and Natural Resources Law: Students work together with Wyoming’s Office of Attorney General on a wide variety of actual cases.
- Estate Planning Practicum
- Business Law Practicum
- Local Government Assistance Practicum
- Five Centers
- Center for the Study of Written Advocacy
- Center for Laws and Energy Resources in the Rockies
- Rural Law Center
- Center for International Human Rights Law
- Firearms Research
UW Law guarantees that all of its students can participate in at least one clinical program. All clinical programs and practicums operate under faculty supervision.
Numerous externship opportunities are available including state and federal courts, the Wyoming Supreme Court, Shoshone and Arapaho Tribal Court, the US Attorney’s Office, the Wyoming Attorney General, state and federal public defender, FBI, JAG, municipal and government agencies, and other nonprofit entities, including the Innocence Project, ACLU, Biodiversity Conservation Alliance, and Access to Justice.
Clinics, externships, internships, and faculty research projects are available each term. All students have access to these opportunities at the University of Wyoming College of Law.
Special Programs
Under Wyoming state law, students in the clinics can brief and argue cases before the Wyoming Supreme Court, an opportunity that is rare—if not unique—among law schools. Students also regularly appear in state court hearings and represent clients in a variety of venues and proceedings.
Summer Trial Institute
The Summer Trial Institute is a two-week, intensive course in which leading trial attorneys from across Wyoming and the country mentor law students in their trial skills. The summer trial institute typically attracts 75 judges, lawyers, and professors to provide two weeks of intensive litigation training to 24 students.
In this “learn-by-doing” course, students gain trial skills by practicing in a courtroom with seasoned lawyers and by receiving direct feedback from peers or future employers. The course culminates with the students trying a jury trial in front of sitting Wyoming judges who have volunteered their time and expertise to the program.
This program is part of the Trial Practice program at UW Law and is made possible by the collaborative efforts of the College of Law, the American College of Trial Lawyers, and the American Board of Trial Advocates.
Joint-Degree Programs
The practice of law has become increasingly complex, requiring lawyers to think broadly as problem-solvers. Joint degree programs permit students to personalize their study of law by adding knowledge, skills, and analytical tools from other disciplines.
Capitalizing on the University's depth of resources, the College of Law collaborates with University graduate departments to offer multiple joint degree programs. Students must apply for admission to both programs; however, both departments will recognize a number of credits from the corresponding program to allow students to earn both degrees in a shorter period of time. The University of Wyoming College of Law offers three joint degree programs:
- JD / Masters in Environment and Natural Resources (MA ENR)
- JD/ Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
- JD/ Masters in Public Administration (MPA)
Admission Standards
UW Law seeks candidates whose intellectual abilities and proven academic skills make it likely that they will successfully complete our academic program and use their legal education productively. We favor candidates with potential for leadership in their chosen professions. Our students are expected to be committed to hard work, honesty, integrity, and community service commensurate with the privilege of membership in the legal profession. We seek to admit candidates whose diverse backgrounds, experiences, knowledge, and perspectives will enliven and enrich the learning experiences of fellow students, faculty, and the rest of the academic community.
The College of Law enrolls 75 to 80 students each fall. The college begins accepting applications on October 1 for the class entering the following August. An early admission program is available for those who apply before December 15. The entering class is selected from applications completed by April 30. Applicants should register with LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service and request official undergraduate transcripts by mid-January and take the LSAT no later than April.
Applicants must have an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution prior to matriculation. Admission is based on the applicant’s undergraduate records, LSAT scores, personal statement, a "Why WY" or "Overcoming Adversity" statement, resume, letters of recommendation, and other criteria relevant to success in the study and practice of law.
Proficiency in English is critical to success at the University of Wyoming College of Law. All international applicants from non-English-speaking countries must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam. A score of 100 or higher on the TOEFL is required for admission.
UW Law does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or political beliefs.
Student Activities
The College of Law publishes the student-edited Wyoming Law Review biannually. Other organizations include the John Burman Student Government, American Constitution Society, Beyond the Law, Board of Advocates, DEI Student Group, Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, Natural Resources & Environmental Law Club, Outlaw, Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity, Women’s Law Forum, Students for Equal Justice, Military Student Group, Sports and Entertainment Law, Trial Lawyers Association Student Chapter, and Wellness Advocates.
Students participate in the Davis and Cannon Natural Resources Law Moot Court Competition, the Richard E. Day Client Counseling Competition, the ABA Negotiations Competition, the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, and the Voir Dire Competition.
The college’s Order of the Coif is a national honorary organization. The chapter recognized legal scholastic excellence. Each year, the chapter may initiate into membership those students who graduate in the highest 10 percent of their class, and may also initiate an honorary member from the legal profession.
Career Services and Professional Development
Approximately 75 percent of graduates remain in the Rocky Mountain region after graduation, due in part to the wide availability of legal opportunities in the area, but UW Law has alumni around the US and across the globe. The curriculum is broad in scope, providing a core foundation of legal knowledge applicable in a wide range of legal and geographic areas. Wyoming has adopted and will participate in the NextGen Bar Exam. Wyoming currently participates in the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE), which enables graduates to transfer their bar scores to over 45 additional states.
UW Law graduates continually report an 85-90 percent employment rate after graduating, and practice primarily in small private firms or are employed by federal, state, local, and tribal governments. Students are also employed in the public interest sector, in judicial clerkships, and in the growing area of business and industry.
As with other aspects of UW Law, the small size of the student body permits Career Services to provide students with personal attention not available at larger institutions. Students receive one-on-one career counseling and job-search assistance for permanent or summer employment. Career Services also provides insightful career panels, interview experience, and résumé/cover letter workshops. A network of loyal alumni hire, often exclusively, at the College of Law. Fall and spring on-campus interviews also provide many firms and students with interview opportunities. An online posting system allows organizations from across the country to announce legal jobs to UW students. Career services online and library resources are available to all students.
Financial Aid
Scholarships are available, and well over half of the students receive some federal financial aid. Scholarship awards are based on merit, need, and special circumstance. Students should file the FAFSA prior to March 1. Scholarships are granted based on the student’s application for admission. Incoming scholarship awards are valid for three years so long as students remain in good academic standing (GPA above 2.5). Student loans and other financial resources are administered through the UW Student Financial Aid Office.
UW Law is composed of large classrooms, courtrooms, a jury room, seminar/study rooms, and study carrels. The spacious on-site library has 350,000 volumes and multiple electronic databases. Wi-Fi and the newest instructional technologies are available throughout the building. The Alan K. Simpson Center for Clinical and Experiential Learning is a 2024 facility addition, providing community-rich spaces that enhance students’ training as both scholars and practitioners. The building provides a positive learning environment and is conveniently located.

Experiential Learning Opportunities
Experiential Learning
Student Legal Clinics: The College of Law offers six clinical programs: Defender Aid, Civil Legal Services, Family and Child Legal Advocacy, Prosecution Assistance, International Human Rights and Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources.
Legal Practicums: The College of Law offers two practicums: Estate Planning and Business Law.
Summer Trial Institute: The Summer Trial Institute is an intense two-week course during which law students learn trial skills from both practicing attorneys and College of Law faculty. The faculty includes leading trial attorneys from across Wyoming and around the country.
Externships: Legal externship is a great way to gain practical legal experience while in law school and earn course credit at the same time.
Student Clubs and Organizations: Law students can join fellow students in clubs and organizations of interest, including Intellectual Property Law Club, Multicultural Law Student Association, Women's Law Forum and many others!
Competitions: Join a team to sharpen your law skills through competitions at local, regional and national scales. These competitions include the Davis & Cannon Natural Resources Law Moot Court Competition, Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition and others.
Wyoming Law Review: This journal publishes articles by practitioners and professors from throughout the country, as well as case notes and comments written by students attending the University of Wyoming College of Law. The editorial staff is composed of second- and third-year law students selected on the basis of high scholarship and excellence in writing.
Student Life
Discover Wyoming Opportunities
Living in Laramie
While it may be considered a small town, Laramie is bursting at the seams with activities and adventures. Nestled between the Snowy and Laramie Mountain Ranges, Laramie sits at an elevation of 7,200 feet and offers access to outdoor activities, art, culture, restaurants, and local shopping. Laramie is only a quick trip to larger metropolitan areas for those seeking the occasional city experience. Many of the incredible opportunites Laramie has to offer have been highlighted in About Laramie.
Historic downtown Laramie was built in the 1860's next to the railroad which first gave life to the town. The old brick structures have now been converted to chocolate shops, bookstores, breweries, coffee shops, outdoor adventure stores, art galleries, and restaurants featuring delicious local fare.
Largely due to the University of Wyoming, Laramie serves as a cultural hub in Wyoming. Visitors can see visiting and permanent exhibits at the UW Art Museum, and the Geological Museum is also a favorite of adults and children alike.
# 1 Small College Town
Did you know, we were voted #1 on the list of 50 Best Small College Towns in America by College Value Online!
Campus Culture
The University of Wyoming campus is at the center of Laramie, Wyoming. The University is most often considered a focal point of our small community with a population of around 32,000 throughout the academic year.
While summer and autumn in Laramie can be glorious, winter often comes earlier to Laramie than most places. Laramie winters can be quite harsh at times, but also full of beauty and the opportunity for winter activities. Be sure to pack a warm winter coat, sweater, hat, and boots. There are plenty of second hand stores to stock up on necessities on a budget, too. Be sure to go early in the semester for the best selections. Dressing in layers is recommended so you are prepared for the cold outside and also the cozy warmth of the classroom.
Since winter in Laramie is a bit longer than most places, many outdoor enthusiasts flock to Laramie for access to a variety of outdoor activities. If this sounds like something you may want to try, visit our Outdoor Program to get involved.
The University of Wyoming also hosts a variety of campus activities. There is often something for everyone to enjoy. Visit Laramie to experience the charm of a Rocky Mountain college town with opportunities surpassing its size!
Our graduate programs pride themselves on offering a supportive and collaborative environment that allows students to flourish during their time on our campus! Visit with your department to learn more.
Career Placement and Bar Passage
Learn more about career placement at
University of Wyoming College of Law
Learn more about bar passage at
University of Wyoming College of Law
Admission Decisions: Beyond the Numbers
UW College of Law Admission Mission Statement
The University of Wyoming College of Law provides a high quality, affordable legal education with all the benefits of a small school and a highly favorable faculty-student ratio. We are committed to maintaining our high academic standards, and admitting people of varying backgrounds and experiences who will respect and learn from each other and adhere to the highest professional standards. The Admissions Committee seeks to admit candidates whose intellectual abilities and proven academic skills make it likely that they will successfully complete our academic program and use their legal education productively in their chosen professional endeavors. We favor candidates with potential for leadership in the legal and other professions, including the judiciary, the government or the community as a whole. Our students are expected to be committed to hard work, honesty, integrity, and community service commensurate with the privilege of membership in the legal profession. We seek to admit candidates whose diverse backgrounds, experiences, knowledge and perspectives will enliven and enrich the learning experiences of fellow students, faculty, and the rest of the academic community.
Study Law at the University of Wyoming!
The University of Wyoming College of Law offers a high quality legal education at one of the lowest tuition rates in the country. Located in the Rocky Mountains only a short drive from Denver, the UW College of Law is known for its top programs, intimate family-like atmosphere, innovative skills training, affordability, and overall student satisfaction.
By selecting the University of Wyoming, you can obtain an unsurpassed return on your educational investment and take advantage of:
A low student-faculty ratio resulting in small classes, personalized instruction, easy access to faculty, and a wealth of hands-on practical training opportunities. Our entire student body is approximately 225 law students.
Access to extensive “real world” training opportunities including clinics, practicums, externships, an intensive trial advocacy institute, local and trans-national negotiation exercises, and others. These experiences allow our students to hit the ground running upon entering practice.
Extensive course offerings from renowned experts in energy, natural resources, environment, business, legal writing, family law, criminal law, international law, and other areas.
Personalized career guidance and close interaction with attorneys, judges, and policymakers in the region and across the globe, to maximize employment opportunities upon graduation.
Joint degree programs in natural resources (JD/MA Environment & Natural Resources), business (JD/MBA), and public administration (JD/MPA).
EENR Certificate: students can earn a certificate in Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources
3+3 Accelerated Degree Program for UW undergraduate students majoring in energy resource management and development.
A Law degree without the extravagant price tag; UW Law students take out fewer loans while they receive high-quality training,
The opportunity to hear distinguished speakers and attend court proceedings, including during Law Week, and throughout the year.
In providing a quality and hands-on legal education experience, the University of Wyoming is also committed to transparency as well as complete and accurate consumer information. In compliance with American Bar Association (ABA) rules and regulations, the ABA Disclosure Information and the ABA Employment Summary Reports are available. This information was compiled from the information that we submitted in our most recent ABA Annual Questionnaire. It contains data regarding the following:
Admissions Data
Tuition, fees, tuition costs, and financial aid
Enrollment data and attrition/graduation rates
Number of full-time and part-time faculty and administrators
Curricular offerings
Library resources
Employment outcomes and Bar passage data
In addition to the above required ABA Disclosures, the University of Wyoming College of Law policy requires that for students matriculating in the fall, each enrolled student's official transcript shall be on file prior to October 15. A student will be administratively withdrawn from classes if their official transcript is not received by October 15.