Students work at table with laptop, drinks, and books.

Information on LLM Eligibility

This is important: Requirements for LLM and other law programs may vary. Always check with the law school about individual program needs.

First Professional Degree in Law by Country/Area

Many LLM CAS–participating schools require that applicants have completed, or be in the process of completing, a first professional degree in law, be licensed to practice law, or have significant experience in legal practice.

The chart below lists the credentials required to be eligible to take the bar in a specific country/area.  If either your degree or your country/area of study is not listed in the chart, please contact the law schools of interest to you to confirm eligibility.

Note that the chart includes only the first professional degree in law. You are expected to present all postsecondary education, including work completed prior to and after the law degree listed. Any omission of required education history could delay the review of your credentials and LSAC’s report to the law schools.

This is important: LSAC makes every effort to keep this chart up to date, but educational systems in a particular country/area can change, and you may be required to submit additional documents. In some countries, the names of these degrees are changing and may not match the chart.

Country/AreaDegree Required
AFGHANISTANBachelor’s degree in law
ALBANIADiplome e Integruar e Nivelit te Dyte ne Drejtesi OR Master i Shkencave ne Drejtesi OR Diplome  titulli Jurist from prior system; Master i Shkencave ne e Drejte (US school)
ALGERIALicence en Droit or Licence d’etudes juridiques
ANGOLALicenciatura em Direito
ANTIGUA and BARBUDALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
ARGENTINATitulo/Diploma de Abogado/Abogada 
ARMENIABakalarvi astichan diplom/Diploma of Bachelor in jurisprudence OR masnageti diplom/Diploma of Specialist in jurisprudence from prior system
ARUBA (former Netherlands Antilles)Master of Laws (LLM)
AUSTRALIALLB (Bachelor of Laws) OR Juris Doctor (JD)
AUSTRIAMagister Iuris; Magister der Rechtswissenschaften
AZERBAIJANBakalavr Diplomu OR Diplom bakalavr huquq
BAHAMASLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
BAHRAINLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
BANGLADESHLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
BARBADOSLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
BELARUSDiplom o Vysshem Obrazovanii, kvalifikatsiya yurist OR Diplom Bakalavra from prior system
BELGIUMMaster in de rechten /Master en droit/Master of Laws; OR Licenciaat in de rechten/Licencie en droit from prior system
BELIZELLB (Bachelor of Laws)
BENINMaitrise Es-Sciences Juridiques OR Master en Droit 
BERMUDALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
BOLIVIALicenciatura en Derecho & Titulo de Abogado OR Licenciado en Ciencias Juridicas y Politicas & Titulo de Abogado
BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINAMagistar prava or Diplomirani/a pravnik/pravnica from prior system
BOTSWANALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
BRAZILBacharela/Bacharel em Direito OR Bacharela em Ciencias Juridicas e Sociais 
BULGARIADiploma magistur, kvalifikatsiya yurist
BURKINA FASOMaitrise Es-Sciences Juridiques OR Master en Droit
BURUNDIMaster en Droit Judiciaire OR Diplome de Licence en Droit  from prior system
CAMBODIABachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) or Pannasastra University of Cambodia; Bachelor of Arts in Law from American University of Phnom Penh
CAMEROONLicence en Droit (Francophone) OR Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (Anglophone)
CANADABachelor of Laws; Juris Doctor; Licentiate in Law (U. of Ottawa); Bachelor of Civil Law/Bachelor of Laws (McGill University); Bacheliere en Droit (U. of Quebec) Baccalaureat en Droit (U. of Montreal)
CAYMAN ISLANDSBachelor of Laws
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICLicence en Droit OR Maitrise en Droit
CHADLicence en Droit OR Maitrise en Droit
CHILELicenciado en Derecho OR Licenciado en Ciencias Juridicas
CHINABachelor of Law (first degree); Master of Law or Juris Master for holders of a bachelor’s degree in another field
COLOMBIATitulo de Abogado/Abogada
CONGO, Democratic Republic of theLicencie en Droit 
CONGO, Republic of theMaitrise en droit 
COSTA RICALicenciatura en Derecho
COTE D’IVOIRE (IVORY COAST)Master from LMD system OR Maitrise en Droit from prior system
CROATIAMagister/Magistra Prava or Diplomirani Pravnik/Pravnica from prior system 
CUBALicenciado en Derecho
CURACAO (former Netherlands Antilles)Master of Laws
CYPRUS, REPUBLIC OFPtychio nomikis / Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
CYPRUS, Turkish Republic of NorthernHukuk Lisans Diplomasi OR Bachelor of Laws (LLB) 
DENMARKKandidatgraden i jura/Juridiske Kandidatuddannelse/Kandidatuddannelsen i jura 
DJIBOUTIM1 or M2 en Droit
DOMINICAN REPUBLICLicenciado en Derecho
ECUADORTitulo de Abogado/Abogada OR Titulo de Abogado/Abogada de los Tribunales y Juzgados de la Republica 
EGYPTBachelor (bakalorus) of Law
EL SALVADORLicenciada en Ciencias Juridicas 
ERITREALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
ESTONIAÕigusteaduse Magister OR Õigusteaduse bakalaureusekraad from prior system
ETHIOPIALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
FIJIBachelor of Law
FINLANDOikeustieteen Maisteri OR Juris Kandidat from prior system 
FRANCEMaitrise in law, Master 1 in law or other recognized 'Bac + 4' degree in law; or proof of passing the French bar examination based on an admissable 'Bac + 4' degree
GABONLicence en droit OR Maitrise en droit OR Master en droit
GAMBIA, THEBachelor’s degree (LL.B.)
GEORGIASamartlis Bakalavri/Bakalavri Diplomi OR Specialistis Diplomi from prior system 
GERMANYErste Juristische Staatsprufung or Erste Prufung
GHANABachelor of Laws (LLB) 
GREECEPtychio Nomikis (university degree in law) 
GUADELOUPEMaitrise en Droit
GUATEMALABaccalaureus en Derecho OR Licenciatura en Derecho OR Titulo de Abogado y Notario OR Licenciado en Sciences Jurídicas y Sociales 
GUINEAMaitrise en Droit OR Master 1 
GUYANALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
HAITILicencie en Droit 
HONDURASTitulo de Abogado/Abogada OR Licenciatura en Derecho 
HONG KONGBachelor of Laws OR bachelor's degree plus Juris Doctor (JD)
HUNGARYOkleveles Jogasz, dr. jur. OR  Egyetemi Oklevel from prior system 
ICELANDMagister iuris OR Meisteraprof i Logfraedi OR Kandidatsprof from prior system 
INDIA3 year Bachelor + 3 year Bachelor of Laws OR 3 year Bachelor + 2 year Bachelor of Laws (General) + 1 year Bachelor of Laws (Special) OR integrated five year Bachelor of Laws. 
INDONESIASarjana Hukum
IRANLLB (Bachelor of Laws) - (bachelor degree is also know as Karshenasi)
IRAQBachelor of Law
IRELANDLaw Society of Ireland Professional Practice Course I & II or FE-1 Exam OR Admission to the Roll of Solicitors OR the Barrister-at-Law degree from the Honorable Society of King’s Inns OR a four-year bachelor’s degree in law.
ISRAELLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
ITALYLaurea Specialistica/Magistrale in Giurisprudenza OR Laurea in Giurisprudenza from prior system
JAMAICALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
JAPANLLB (Bachelor of Laws) through 2010; Starting 2011: Bachelor degree (any major) PLUS Legal Training and Research Institute diploma, OR bachelor's degree plus Juris Doctor (JD)
JORDANLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
KAZAKHSTANBakalavr Diplomi OR Diplom, kvalifikatsiya yurist from prior system
KENYALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
KOREA, Democratic Republic of (North) LLB (Bachelor of Laws)
KOREA, Republic of (South)Bachelor's degree through 2017 plus diploma from the Judicial Research and Training Institute (JRTI) OR bachelor's degree plus Juris Doctor (JD)
KOSOVOJurist i Diplomuar-Bachelor (240 ECTS) or Bacelor i Drejtesise (180 ECTS) from prior system 
KUWAITLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
KYRGYZSTANDiplom, kvalifikatsiya yurist OR Diplom Bakalavr/Bakalavra in law from a public university OR Bachelor of Arts in law from the American University of Central Asia
LATVIAProfesionala Magistra Diploms, jurista kvalifikaciju OR Jurista Diploms from prior system 
LEBANONLicence libanaise en droit
LESOTHOLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
LIBERIABachelor of Laws (LLB) from University of Liberia 
LIBYABachelor of Laws
LITHUANIAMagistro Diplomas in law
LUXEMBOURGMaster en droit (LL.M.) or Master in Law (LL.M.) from the Universite du Luxembourg
MACAO (MACAU)Bachelor of Laws/Licenciatura em Direito 
NORTH MACEDONIAMagister po pravo OR Diplomiran Pravnik from prior system 
MADAGASCARMaitrise en droit
MALAWIBachelor of Laws (Honours)
MALAYSIABachelor of Laws (Honours) 
MALIMaitrise Es-Sciences Juridiques OR Master en Droit
MALTAMaster of Advocacy (starting 2016) OR Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) from prior system 
MARTINIQUEMaster 1 droit
MAURITANIAMaitrise en droit OR Master en droit
MAURITIUSBachelor of Laws (Honours)
MEXICOLicenciado en Derecho OR Licenciado en Derecho en Ciencias Sociales OR  Licenciado en Ciencias Juridicas OR Titulo de Abogado 
MOLDOVADiploma de licenta
MONGOLIABakalavryn Diplom (in law)
MONTENEGROMagistar OR Stepen Specijaliste Pravnih Nauka OR Diplomirani pravnik/pravnica from prior system 
MOROCCOMaster from LMD system OR Licence en Droit from prior system 
MOZAMBIQUELicenciatura em Direito
MYANMARLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
NAMIBIABachelor of Laws (Honours)
NEPALBachelor of Laws (LLB) 3 years after a Nepalese bachelor's OR Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Laws 5-year integrated 
NETHERLANDSMaster of Laws (LLM) in Dutch Law OR Doctoraalexamen in Dutch Law from prior system 
NEW ZEALANDLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
NICARAGUALicenciado en Derecho
NIGERMaster en droit OR Maitrise en droit from prior system
NIGERIALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
NORWAYCandidatus Juris; master i rettsvitenskap
OMANBachelor’s degree in law
PAKISTANBachelor of Laws (LLB) after a 2-year bachelor's degree OR Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from a five-year program integrating a BA, BSc, BCom, or BBA or other Pakistani undergraduate degree 
PALESTINIAN TERRITORY (Occupied) LLB (Bachelor of Laws)
PANAMALicenciada en Derecho y Ciencias Politicas OR Licenciada en Derecho y Ciencias Juridicas 
PAPUA NEW GUINEALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
PARAGUAYTitulo de Abogado/Abogada 
PERUTitulo de Abogado/Abogada 
PHILIPPINESJuris Doctor (JD) OR Bachelor of Laws (LLB) 
POLANDMagistra Prawo/Prawa 
PORTUGALLicenciatura em Direito
QATARBachelor of Laws OR Juris Doctor 
REUNIONMaster en droit 
ROMANIADiploma de licenta
RUSSIAN FEDERATIONDiplom spetsialista or bakalavra, kvalifikatsiya Yurist
RWANDALL.B. from University of Rwanda OR Licence en droit from Universite nationale du Rwanda
SAINT KITTS & NEVISLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
SAINT LUCIALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
SAUDI ARABIALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
SENEGALMaster en droit OR Maitrise en droit from prior system
SERBIADiplomirani Pravnik 
SIERRA LEONEBachelor of Laws with Honours 
SINGAPORELLB (Bachelor of Laws) OR JD (Juris Doctor) plus bachelor's degree in another field
SLOVENIAUniverzitetni/a diplomirani/a pravnik/pravnica (UN) 
SOMALIABachelor of Laws (LLB) OR Laurea in Giurisprudenza/Lawriyada ee Qaanuunka 
SOUTH AFRICALLB (Bachelor of Laws) or BProc (Baccalaureus Procurationis) plus graduate LLB from prior system
SPAINLicenciado en Derecho or Grado en Derecho
SRI LANKABachelor of Laws (LLB); Certificate of Attorney-at-Law from Sri Lanka Law College
SUDANLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
SWAZILAND (now Eswatini)LLB (Bachelor of Laws)
SWEDENJuristexamen OR Juris Kandidatexamen 
SWITZERLANDMaster of Law OR Maitrise Universitaire en Droit OR Lizentiat der Rechtwissenschaft (lic.jur.)/Licence en Droit from prior system 
SYRIABachelor of Law
TAIWANAssociate, Bachelor, Master or PhD in law OR any other degree qualifying for Attorney Qualification Examination as long as 7 of 20 prescribed courses have been taken
TAJIKISTANDiplom spetsialista, kvalifikatsiya Yurist
TANZANIALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
THAILANDLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
TOGOMaitrise Es-Sciences Juridiques OR Master en Droit
TRINIDAD & TOBAGOLLB (Bachelor of Laws)
TUNISIALicence en Droit OR Maitrise en droit
TURKEYHukuk Lisans Diplomasi (Bachelor of Laws)
TURKMENISTANDiploma with qualification of lawyer
UGANDALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
UKRAINEDiploma magistra OR Diplom spetsialista, kvalifikatsiya yurista
UNITED KINGDOMBachelor of Laws (LLB) OR Bachelor degree in a non-law subject plus Graduate Diploma in Law, Postgraduate Diploma in Law, M.A. in Law/Legal Studies, OR Solicitor’s Qualifying Exam (SQE)
URUGUAYDoctor en Derecho/Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales OR Licenciado en Derecho OR Titulo de Abogado
UZBEKISTANBakalavr diplomi, yurist
VENEZUELATitulo de Abogado/Abogada 
VIETNAMBang Cu Nhan Luat 
YEMENBachelor of Sharia OR Bachelor of Sharia and Law
ZAMBIALLB (Bachelor of Laws)
ZIMBABWELLB (Bachelor of Laws)