LSAC is committed to providing necessary testing accommodations for the LSAT® and LSAT Argumentative WritingSM to candidates with documented disabilities. These policies and guidelines apply to both remote and in-person testing.
Please review all information on this page, including the instructions provided at the links below. It is important to review this information carefully and check this website often for any updates.
We encourage you to submit your request and all required documentation well in advance of registration deadlines. This may facilitate your advanced planning and preparation for the test.
Specifications of the LSAT and LSAT Argumentative Writing
To get started, we encourage you to review the test’s specifications. This information is designed to help candidates determine their accommodation and assistive technology needs as applicable to the specific format and delivery of each part of the test.
Read more about the Specifications of the LSAT and LSAT Writing
Accommodation Decisions
Persons with disabilities seeking testing accommodations must submit their request for testing accommodations together with all supporting documentation by the stated accommodation request deadline to be considered for testing accommodations. If you have submitted an accommodation request for an upcoming or future administration of the LSAT, please be aware that we are reviewing requests as quickly as possible. If you are registered for a future administration, there may be a delay in the review of your request due to pending deadlines for upcoming administrations. If you have an immediate need, please call Accommodated Testing at 855.384.2253 and a customer relationship specialist will be happy to assist you.

Appeal Procedures
If your request is not approved in full, a letter that explains the rationale for LSAC’s decision will be posted to your LSAC JD Account. You will have 2 business days after this letter is posted to your online account to notify LSAC if you intend to appeal. You will have 4 calendar days after the letter is posted to your online account to submit an appeal to LSAC. If you appeal, the result of the appeal will be provided within one week of the submission of the appeal, barring unforeseen circumstances.
Learn more about the Appeal Procedure for Accommodation Requests

Opting Out of Approved Accommodations
Candidates who are approved for accommodations also have the option not to accept any approved or automatically approved accommodations.
Frequently Asked Questions
What must I submit in order for my request for accommodation to be reviewed?
All new requests for testing accommodations must be submitted through your LSAC JD Account. The online form will guide you through the process of providing all required information and documentation. To learn more about the documentation needed to complete your request, please visit Documentation Requirements.
LSAC does not return or provide copies of documentation. You should retain copies of all documents submitted, for your own records.
When is the deadline for submitting documentation for an accommodation request?
Please refer to Upcoming LSAT Dates for specific details about test dates and deadlines for the LSAT. The accommodation request deadline is always the same as the test registration deadline for any given administration of the LSAT. All new requests and supporting documentation must be submitted by the stated accommodation request deadline to be considered for that administration of the test. Documentation will not be processed if it is not received on time. There are no exceptions to this deadline.
Note that the online “Request Accommodations” system will not accept submissions for a given administration after the deadline has passed. Requests that are submitted to Accommodated Testing by email must be received in LSAC’s office by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on the deadline day associated with your LSAT registration.
How are accommodated scores reported to law schools?
LSAC does not annotate the score reports of individuals with disabilities who take the LSAT with testing accommodations, including the accommodation of extended testing time. All accommodated scores are reported in the same manner as non-accommodated scores. Further, LSAC does not notify or communicate to law schools that a candidate has requested or tested with accommodations.
I need to have medication or a medical device with me during the test. Do I need to submit a request for testing accommodations?
If you have a medical need for one or more of the following personal medical items during your test, you do NOT need to make a request or submit documentation to LSAC for approval. These items are permitted for all test takers during the test without prior authorization: non-tinted eyeglasses, hearing aids, medication (e.g., pills, inhaler, insulin/glucose tablets, eye drops), heart monitor, arm or shoulder sling, cast, brace, cane, crutches, walker, wheelchair, insulin pump/glucometer/diabetic supplies (Note: Bluetooth-enabled medical devices must be preapproved as a testing accommodation), TENS unit, service animal (not comfort animal).
Additional Considerations
- Test takers who receive accommodations on the LSAT are subject to the same policies as all other test takers, as specified in the LSAC Candidate Agreement.
- If you need a modification of any of the policies related to the administration of the test due to a disability, you MUST seek an accommodation prior to the accommodation request deadline. (The accommodation request deadline is the same as the test registration deadline.)
- LSAC reserves the right to make the final judgment regarding testing accommodations. If your request for accommodations is denied or late, you will remain registered to test under standard conditions.
How to Reach Accommodated Testing
Questions and Support
For questions regarding the request process or the status of your request, please contact us via your preferred method:
Email: accom@LSAC.org
Include your name and LSAC account number in the subject line.
Phone: 215.966.6625
Toll-free: 855.384.2253
Submit a Complaint
If you have a complaint regarding 1) LSAC’s final determination regarding a request for accommodations on the LSAT, or 2) the administration of approved accommodations on the LSAT, please submit your concerns via email to accommodationcomplaints@LSAC.org.
Emails sent to this address must include the candidate’s LSAC account number in the subject line.