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Student working at desk with laptop.

Transcript Summarization

Available only to Credential Assembly Service (CAS) registrants

How Grades Are Converted

Grades are converted to a standard scale in order to furnish law schools with a uniform basis for comparing applicants. For more information about how grades are converted, please refer to the Grade Conversion Table below. You can also get information about how your school’s grades are converted by visiting LSAC’s Interpretive Guide to Undergraduate Grading Systems.

LSAC-member schools have selected a common set of numerical values to represent the various grading systems used by U.S./Canadian institutions. LSAC makes no attempt to assess the value of grades earned at different colleges. Each law school sets its own rules for interpretation of applicants’ grade-point averages; members of law school admission committees understand that a particular grade earned at one college may not have the same meaning as the identical grade at another. In all cases, a copy of each transcript is sent to law schools along with LSAC’s CAS Report.

This is important. Please note: For law school applicants who were enrolled during spring 2020, their Credential Assembly Service reports to law schools will include a letter reminding admission offices that spring 2020 was the semester impacted by the coronavirus and that, during this time, schools were forced to move to online instruction, students experienced disruption in their living and learning arrangements, and a variety of changes were introduced to grading systems. 

Grades Excluded from Conversion

  • Withdraw, Withdraw/Pass — only if the issuing school considers the grade nonpunitive.
  • Incomplete — only if the issuing school considers the grade nonpunitive.
  • Those given for remedial courses only if the transcript clearly indicates they are remedial.
  • All courses taken after the degree conferral date of the first bachelor’s degree, including graduate work and professional study. This also includes any undergraduate courses taken after the first bachelor’s degree was awarded. For more information, please review Graduate or Professional Study below. 
  • Those assigned for noncredit courses. Noncredit courses are defined as courses where the student has not registered for credit, attempted credit, or would not have been assigned credit even if any type of passing grade (e.g., A, B, C, Pass) had been received. Physical Education, Practical Art, Practical Music, and ROTC courses that are assigned credit will be included in the academic summary, even if the issuing institution does not include these courses in its calculation of a GPA.
  • Passing grades from systems of one or two passing grades (e.g., Pass/Fail, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, Credit/No Credit, or Honors/Pass/Fail, High Pass/Pass/Fail) and those for which conversion rules cannot be formulated, including courses for which a transcript gives only narratives or descriptions. Credits for the work in these courses are totaled and reported separately as unconverted credits. The only exception to this policy is for a reported grade below C-minus from a two-passing-grade grading system (e.g., Credit/D/Fail) when the issuing institution includes this grade in their calculation of a GPA.
  • Grade symbols that have multiple meanings at the issuing school, and the issuing school’s registrar is unable to confirm whether course credit was attempted (such as NC=either No Credit Attempted or No Credit Awarded, etc.). The total number of credits usually assigned to the particular type of course will appear on the applicant’s academic summary but will not be included in the GPA calculation.
  • Official withdrawal grades that signify failure (such as WF=Withdraw/Fail, WU=Withdrew Unsatisfactory, WNP=Withdrew Not Passing) if the issuing school considers the grade nonpunitive. (This does not apply to WF, WU, and WNP grades only considered nonpunitive by the institution due to a successful repeat of the course or some type of grade-forgiveness policy.) The total number of credits assigned to these grades will appear on the applicant’s academic summary but will not be included in the GPA calculation.
  • The original grade for a repeated course when the transcript does not show both the grade and the units for the original attempt. The total number of credits assigned to these grades will appear on the applicant’s academic summary but will not be included in the GPA calculation.
  • Those removed from the official transcript due to an institution’s academic forgiveness — only if the grade is not displayed on the transcript. A line drawn through course information or a grade does not eliminate the course from GPA calculation.
  • A No Credit grade that does not signify failure and for which no attempt at credit was made (e.g., NC=No Credit/Withdraw, or NC=No Credit Attempted).

Other Important Conversion Information

Grade Point Average (GPA)

LSAC calculates a GPA for each year and a cumulative GPA for each undergraduate institution that issued a transcript for you. A cumulative GPA that includes all undergraduate work is also calculated and reported. A cumulative GPA for a school within an institution cannot be calculated.

In calculating a GPA, LSAC uses the grades and credits for every course that can be converted to the 4.0 scale, although the institution issuing the transcript may exclude some of the courses from its own calculations. Courses excluded from the academic summary are not included in the GPA calculation.

There may be some variation between the GPAs calculated by LSAC and those calculated by colleges or students; however, the variation is rarely substantial. Because the law schools that use LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service understand its procedures, a slight variation in GPA is not likely to affect a law school’s admission decision. 

Failing Grades

Failure is defined as credit attempted but not earned. When summarizing transcripts, LSAC converts any grade notation that signifies failure (such as No Credit, No Credit/Fail, Not Passing, Incomplete, Incomplete/Fail, Withdraw/Fail, Unsatisfactory, Fail, etc.) to zero on the 4.0 scale. With the exception of Withdraw/Fail (WF), these grades are included in the GPA calculation, even if the issuing school considers the grade to be nonpunitive. (WF grades, or any other withdrawal grades indicating failure, are not included in the GPA calculation when the issuing institution considers the grade to be nonpunitive. However, this does not apply to WF grades only considered nonpunitive by the institution due to a successful repeat of the course or some type of grade-forgiveness policy. For more information about exceptions, please review the Grades Excluded from Conversion section above.)

If a transcript is not clear about credit attempted, LSAC staff will contact the registrar at the issuing school to confirm whether course credit was attempted.

Repeated Courses

All grades and credits earned for repeated courses will be included in the GPA calculation if the course units and grades appear on the transcript. A line drawn through course information or a grade does not eliminate the course from GPA calculation if the course units appear on the transcript.

Academic Renewal/Academic Forgiveness

All grades reflected on your transcript for forgiven courses will be included in the calculation of the GPA even if the institution issuing the transcript excludes the courses from its own calculations. Credits for forgiven courses not reflecting the grade earned will appear on the academic summary but will not be included in the GPA calculation. If the transcript reflects neither the grade nor the credit attempted for a forgiven course, credit will be assigned. If a transcript is not clear about the total number of credits attempted and the course information is not readily available on the institution’s website, the total number of credits for a similar course will be assigned. A line drawn through course information or a grade does not eliminate the course from GPA calculation.

Academic Notes

If a transcript contains academic notes such as dean’s list, study-abroad credits, academic probation, suspension, dismissal, warning, and so on, these notes will appear on your law school report.

Transcript notations such as dean’s list, Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude, and the like will be included on the report as “Academic Honors.” Academic honors not included on your official transcript will be noted on the Law School Report if an official, sealed letter sent from the registrar is received by LSAC.

If you question a transcript notation of academic action, you should contact the institution directly and resolve the matter as soon as possible. Please note that a discrepancy between your answer to a law school application academic record question and notations on your transcript(s) could result in a misconduct and irregularities investigation.

Advanced Placement (AP) or College Level Examination Programs (CLEP)

AP or CLEP courses are summarized and included in the GPA if the undergraduate school transcript shows grades and credits for them. (See the Unconverted Credits section below for transcripts showing credits but no grades.)

No Cumulative GPA Calculation

In the following atypical instances, no cumulative GPA calculation will occur, as reporting one for someone who only had a few hours of U.S./Canadian classes could be misleading.

No cumulative GPA will be calculated if an applicant has

  • received their undergraduate degree from an institution located outside the United States, its territories/associated states, or Canada, and has also completed less than 60 graded credits of U.S./Canadian undergraduate-level work prior to the awarding of the international degree;
  • received their undergraduate degree from a U.S./Canadian institution that does not issue grades and credits, only narratives, and has also completed less than 60 graded credits of other U.S./Canadian undergraduate-level work prior to the awarding of the U.S./Canadian degree; or
  • a total of less than 60 graded credits of U.S./Canadian undergraduate-level work on their file and may or may not have an institution identified as their undergraduate degree-granting school.

Course Credits

All credits are reported in terms of semester hours. All earned credits not reported in semester hours are converted to that system. Trimester hours are treated as semester hours; quarter hours are multiplied by .67 to arrive at semester hours. Credits recorded in other units are converted to semester hours using the formula supplied by the college issuing the transcript.

Unconverted Credits

Although passing grades for courses with only one or two passing grades may not be converted to the 4.0 scale, credit is given for them in the Credential Assembly Service summary (see Grades Excluded from Conversion for examples). These courses, and any course for which the transcript shows credit but no grade, appear in the Unconverted Credit Hours section of the law school report.

This is important. Please Note: Some universities do not notify students when they are placed on academic probation or when other academic action is taken. Before completing your law school applications, be sure to request a copy of your official transcripts for your own use and review them for any information that may help you respond to law school application questions. Although LSAC will forward your transcripts to the law schools to which you apply, you should be careful to answer questions on the application forms completely and accurately to avoid a review by the LSAC Misconduct and Irregularities Subcommittee.

Graduate or Professional Study

Grades from graduate and professional schoolwork that is taken after your bachelor’s degree conferral date will not be calculated as part of your LSAC GPA. However, you must request transcripts from any graduate, law, medical, or professional institutions where you have completed coursework.

Prior success or failure in other graduate or professional schoolwork, including work completed at other law schools, may also be a factor in the admission committee’s decision. 

Grade Conversion Table

LSAC Conversion to 4.0 Scale Grades as Reported on Transcripts
A to F 1 to 5 100-0 (see note below table) Four Passing Grades Three Passing Grades (Note)
4.33 A+ 1+ 98-100 Highest Passing Grade (4.0) Highest Passing Grade (4.0)
4.00 A 1 93-97
3.67 A- 1- 90-92
3.50 AB    
3.33 B+ 2+ 87-89 Second Highest Passing Grade (3.0) Middle Passing Grade (3.0)
3.00 B 2 83-86
2.67 B- 2- 80-82
2.50 BC    
2.33 C+ 3+ 77-79 Third Highest Passing Grade (2.0) Lowest Passing Grade (2.0)
2.00 C 3 73-76
1.67 C- 3- 70-72
1.50 CD    
1.33 D+ 4+ 67-69 Lowest Passing Grade (1.0)  
1.00 D 4 63-66
0.67 D- 4- 60-62
0.50 DE or DF    
0.00 E and F 5 Below 60 Failure (0.00) Failure (0.00)

Note: In some instances, a school’s three-passing-grade system or numerical grading scale might be converted differently than shown here. For more information about how your school’s grades are converted, visit LSAC’s Interpretive Guide to Undergraduate Grading Systems.